Medical Forensics a specialized and highly interconnected field that reaches through multiple industries. RLA Investigations - a company with the capacity to deliver factual, specific information on the Who - What - When - Where... and most importantly ...Why things happened the way they did. Working with insurance; risk-management; law firms; retail pharmacy, and the pharmaceutical industry; as well as regulatory; reporting, and research agencies, we offer cost-effective solutions to your medical investigation issues.
The Medical Industry complex, dynamic, and demanding. When an incident requiring follow-up investigation occurs, you'll need a professional investigations company that can call upon specialized resources to address specific needs. RLA Investigations can bring in professionals from various specialties to analyze a situation, then plan, & implement an investigation even under complex medical, legal, and political circumstances.
Professional Relationships
...within the medical industry are complex and sensitive. Under conditions of higher patient acuity, lower staffing levels, budget & regulatory constraints (e.g., HIPPA), and myriad related issues, human factors can combine in unforeseen ways. Subtle, nuanced, and focused investigations are a prerequisite to successful outcomes. Legal defense assistance by a Certified Professional Investigator with direct patient care and healthcare administration background, RLA Investigations can provide timely, accurate, Jury-understandable information to get you through your particular situation.